Insurance Hub | AMI Insurance

Risk-based pricing

August 2022

What's risk-based pricing all about then?

New Zealand's a great place to live. But it's not all smooth sailing. We've been hit hard by natural disasters and severe weather events.1

This means some parts of the country are riskier to live in - and insure - than others. So, we calculate our insurance prices to reflect this. This is called risk-based pricing.

With risk-based pricing, the different environmental risks across the country are reflected in the price you pay for your insurance cover.

Your premium can change depending on whether you live in a part of the country that's more prone to earthquakes, flooding, or storms, or if you live in a region where natural hazards and severe weather events are less likely to occur.

Government levies, such as NHCover (previously EQC) and FENZ (Fire and Emergency NZ) levies, and GST, also contribute to the cost of your premiums. As these are set by the government, they are not part of risk-based pricing.

Learn more about what makes up your premiums on our Premiums information webpage

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